Howdy Wilkins 12/6/24 - 11/13/98
Dad has been gone for 10 years and yet, to me, it seems so much longer.
As we get older comments like "I don't know where the time has gone", "It's
November - already?", or "Time just flies by when you're having fun" seem to
be more common. Yet when I think of the last time I saw or talked to Dad or
Mom it seems so long ago - much further back in time than it actually is.
Brain research has shown that although the sense of time is not associated
with a specific sensory system, our brains do have a system governing the
perception of time. It has been shown that stimulants can lead us to
overestimate time intervals while depressants can have the opposite effect.
So the phrases above actually make sense. Having fun, enjoying life is the
stimulant that moves the sense of time along at the faster pace. While the
death of a loved one can be the depressant, impairing the perception of
I just know that I miss them both very much, as I am sure that you do, too.
There has been so much joy I wanted to share with them and advice I wanted
to garner. But it was not to be.
So I cherish the time that we had and remember the life I did get to enjoy
with them. Oddly enough then, time seems so short and it passed too quickly
and I fear that I didn't always make the most of the time we had.
So today, a toast to a most wonderful man, one whose time to meet His Maker
came too soon for me.
I miss you all very much and send my love to you all,