Friday, August 22, 2008

happenings from 8:30pm to 9:05am

after a night of puking up fried calamari and pepperoni was the not so fried calamari.....getting NO sleep due to nauseating stomach pain, and Oscar (my cat) who has taken up singing VERY LOUDLY at all hours of the night...AND my period with its super crippling cramps decided it was time to come, I ended up waking up late for work. I hurriedly showered, threw on some clothes, and stumbled out the door. and... Yes, I feel like shit today...but while I was driving to work I noticed a freshly painted grey rundown stucco building that had a brand-spanking new sign "LA Organic Pharmacy", along with new wire fencing and a little security camera placed just so at the front door entrance. I stared... processing all that was going on, it was like a scene out of WEEDS. I usually saw suspicious characters hanging out there as I drove by on the way home.......while in my deep stare, a man walking by......I have to assume homeless or he just didn't care about his black muck stained clothes, or that he was shoeless and forgot to brush his insanely matted hair for the past 9 years.....throws me a peace sign and smiles...I cocked my head back at the unexpected gesture...who me??...I gave him the peace sign right back and smiled. Maybe he appreciated the fact that my car was just as dirty as he....or he thought I was staring at him and felt sorry that I had to go to work today. I'll never know...but...It made me smile, and I felt slightly better. The light turned green, I drove on and in my sensitive state made it to work only 5 mins late.

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